About Me
Hello, my name is Leigh Whipday and I’m a web designer from Manchester, UK. I’m a currently working for Code Computerlove as a Lead Creative and very much enjoying it. I started my career as a graphic designer way back in 1999 (oh yes, the year of the treble) and moved into web design after being introduced to Flash 3.
I like drawing with a biro, Seinfeld, music all the kids hate, cooking, people who are good at accents and all sorts of other stuff. I love illustration and making music when I get the time too.
I would like to work in New York in the future to get some experience and to eat hot dogs, so if you know of any good agencies to work for . By the way, Lombardi’s in New York is the best pizza I’ve ever had.
Feel free to have a look around and leave comments.